Eurasian watermilfoil (Myrfiophyllum spicatum) is a non-native, perennial, submersed, aquatic plant with rapid reproduction abilities. In Canda, milfoil is classified as an invasive species. Milfoil was first observed in British Columbia in 1970 in the Okanagan Lake and has since spread to most major lakes in the region. Experts agree that milfoil is impossible to eradicate due to its rapid growth by fragmentation. Once milfoil becomes well-established it is extremely difficult to remove - the best that can be done is to try to control its spread. This is where Trueshore can help! We have first-hand experience watching milfoil take over Osoyoos Lake to the extent that families cannot swim or use their boats without milfoil getting in the way. After decades of summer holidays spent hand-raking, hand-pulling and generally complaining about the milfoil, we decided to purchase a lake weed harvester machine, apply for all necessary permits, and be part of the solution to help take back our lakes!
Dense submersed areas of milfoil cause significant deterioration in lake water use, quality and value to the community. Milfoil has many negative economic, social and environmental impacts, including:
Boating and swimming - milfoil infestation reduces enjoyment of recreational activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, waterskiing, etc. The plants are commonly stuck in boat props and are difficult to detangle, and swimming can be impossible and dangerous in areas covered by milfoil infestation.
Fishing - milfoil is snagged on fishing lines and hooks, eventually preventing shoreline fishing. The plant can become so dense that fish will not swim in it, and the resulting poor water quality threatens Sockeye salmon runs and fish survival rates.
Residential property values - a variety of sources indicate that lake front property values can be reduced 12% or more when impacted by milfoil.
Tourism and local business - milfoil affects the tourist economy as vacationers will choose to go elsewhere when they hear about reports of milfoil infestation in a lake area.
Water quality and ecosystems - milfoil impacts oxygen levels in lakes and reduces the biodiversity of native aquatic plants, which impacts the food cycle for native fish. Waterfowl and fish do not eat milfoil. Also, milfoil beds provide an ideal habitat for mosquito larvae!